SINCE 1973 |
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- "Creation and Evolution - a Side Issue?" by Helen Fryman
Can Christians ignore creation and just do evangelism?
- "Does Evolution or Intelligent Design Better Explain Life's Diversity?" (A Debate: Walter ReMine vs. Massimo Pigliucci, Held August 12, 2000 by Walter ReMine
- "Evaluating Evolution"
- by Ross Olson
A paper summarizing the problems with evolution
- "Is Evolution Reasonable?" by Ross Olson
Did we just "get lucky"? Entropy and probability do not give evolution any leeway.
- "Blowing the Whistle On Evolution" by Ross Olson
More detail on probability.
- "Evolution And The Second Law Of Thermodynamics" by Edward F. Blick, Ph.D.
How does the probability of forming life relate to the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
- A Response to Allan Harvey's "The Second Law of Thermodynamics in the Context of the Christian Faith" by Ross Olson
Dr. Allen Harvey has great expertise in the second law of thermodynamics but his arguments do not really support evolution. For Dr. Harvey's article see http://members.aol.com/steamdoc/writings/thermo.html.
- "Negative Entropy" by Ross Olson
- "Creationists Open a New Front" by David Applegate
(Link to Geotimes, July 2000) A secular view of the intelligent design movement.
- "No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Cannot Be Purchased without Intelligence" by William Dembski.
A designer conceives a purpose, forms a plan, specifies building materials and applies the assembly instructions. (Preface to a new book -- watch for it.)
- "Evolution vs. Creation: An Evolutionist View"
- by Edward Max, MD, PhD
An evolutionist's view of the evidence. Paper distributed at his debate with Duane Gish 2/22/01.
For an introduction to this interchange see Debate.
- "The Scientific Evidence For Creation" by Duane Gish, PhD
Summary of scientific evidence for creation distributed at his debate with Edward Mx, 2/22/01.
For an introduction to this interchange see Debate.
- "A Creationist Analysis of Edward Max's 'The Evolution of Improved Fitness'" by Ross Olson, 3/22/01.
After claiming Creationists are in a catagory with flat earthers and snake oil salesmen, Dr. Edward Max leaves himself wide open to charges of either sloppy thinking or deceptive writing regarding what he considers to be "evolution in action."
- "Method of Science: Validation Criteria for Competing Theories" by by Dave Bergman
of Common Sense Science
- Fatuous Filmmaking by Michael Behe
A WorldNetDaily.com Article on the unreliability of science.
- Fatuous Filmmaking by Michael Behe
A WorldNetDaily.com Article on the unreliability of science.
- Evolution: A Conservapedia Article
One of the most popular articles on the internet dealing with evolution.
- "The Irreducible Complexity Concept has Not Been Falsified" by Jerry Bergman
In The Bergman / Myers Debate the validity of irreducible complexity wasquestioned
Jerry Bergman has shown that the concept is still insurmountable for evolutionists
- "Which Beliefs?"
- by Fred Schmugge
Evolutionary beliefs are not scientific and should not be favored in schools.
(Rev. Schmugge was one of the organizers and served as the first secretary of TCCSA.)
- "In Favor of Gods-of-the-Gaps Reasoning"
- by David Snoke
Many disparage arguments based on the impossibility of natural phenomena as "God of the Gaps" and state that it makes Christianity vulnerable to falsification if a natural cause is found. See what Dr. Snoke says about it in an article published in the ASA Journal and used by permission of the author. He is a long age creationist and comments on what he feels are "gaps" in the predictions of young age creationists, but also admits that evidence could change that. It appears that since his article appeared, the recent RATE project of ICR, CRS and AiG is doing this. See "New RATE Data Supports A Young World" and "RATE group reveals exciting breakthroughs!"
- Faith and Reason: What Is The Relationship? by Ross Olson
Is it true that a Christian has to hang his brain at the door to exercize faith? Or is there a general misunderstanding of what Biblical faith really means?
- The Romans One Test by Ross Olson
Romans One indicates that the existence of God and something of His nature are so apparent from the things He has made that those who fail to recognize it are "without excuse." Yet there are Christians - who ought to know better - that still endorse a cosmology indistinguishable from that of an atheistic thinker.
- "August - November, 1985, correspondence with a very bright teen aged girl who thinks Christianity is based only on blind faith.
by Ross Olson
- Historical Background on the Inn at Bethlehem
- by Robert Helfinstine
- Ten Censored Articles On Flaws In Big Bang Theory
- by Robert Gentry (see his web site, http://www.halos.com/)
- Refuting The Big Bang Theory
- by Victoria Kasten, 9th Grade Winner of 2006 Writing Contest
- "The Truth About Giants" by Adam Schwartzbauer, 2010 11th Grader
- "The Truth About Giants -- abridged version" by Adam Schwartzbauer, 2010 11th Grader who read this version of his paper at the July, 2010 meeting.
- Adam's Complete Giants PowerPoint
- Commentary on "The Truth About Giants" by Dr. Clyde Billington
- "Goliath and the Exodus Giants:How tall were they?" by Dr. Clyde Billington
- Commentary on "The Truth About Giants" by Joe Taylor
- "The Ultimate Hoax: Archaeopteryx Lithographica" by Ian Taylor
An Article From Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Creation,1990, with printed discussion by experts and response by the author. Used by permission.
- "Archaeopteryx" by Russ McGlenn
Archaeopteryx is usually presented as a classical example of a transitional form between reptiles and birds, but it may be a fabrication and even if it is not, is only a bird with some unusual characteristics.
See also two articles from Creation Encyclopedia and one from Bible Mysteries
- "Archaeoraptor, The Missing Link that Wasn't: National Geographic's 'Bird Dinosaur' Flew Against the Facts" by Nancy Pearcey
The trail may be cold on Archaeopteryx, but Archaeoraptor turned sour for all the world to see!
- "Evidence of Intelligent Design: Birds" by Claire Ensminger, 7th Grade winner of the TCCSA writing contest.
- "beetles" by Mitchell Pagel, 2007 Sixth Grader, presented at the 11/20/07 meeting.
- Coal: Memorial to the Flood by Tas Walker
If the Biblical Global Flood really occurred in history, is there evidence in the world which is consistent with such an event? There certainly is!
- "Cellular Reproduction" by Alyssa Pagel, 2008 Ninth Grader who read her paper at the November 2008 meeting.
- Tenure No Longer Protects Creationist Professors
by Jerry Bergman
- "Heresy Trials: Is a vocal Christian inherently unqualified to teach biology? Some public-school officials in Minnesota think so"
By Candi Cushman
An example of censorship and persecution of Faribault biology teacher Rod LeVake right here in "nice" Minnesota.
- "A Summary of Rod LeVake's Brief Career Teaching Biology"
- See alsoA Letter defending the School Board,
And A Response by Ross Olson
- "The Case For A Scientifically Objective Evolution Curriculum" by Randall Hedtke. (*Used by permission.) High School science teacher, Randall Hedtke was persecuted for teaching both evidence for and against evolution. He makes an excellent case that it is the only rational and scientific way to do it. His book, The Great Evolution Curriculum Hoax: The Intense Yet Hidden Conflict Of Science Versus Religion In Secondary Schools, is available from the author.
- Did the ancient Chinese know about the God of the Bible? There are links to downloadable copies of the Chinese version of "God's Promise to the Chinese" and information on ordering the English version.
- A short article summarizing the subject Reprinted with permission from:
Creation Science Movement
PO Box 888, Portsmouth PO6 2YD, UK
www.csm.org.uk; info{at}csm.org.uk; 02392 293988
Pamphlet 387, August 2012
by Richard Broadberry
- "Atomic Structure: Why Do We Care?" by Ross Olson
Is atomic structure a valid concern of creationists?
- "Peer Review and Scientific Progress" by Ross Olson
Is publication in a peer reviewed journal the minimum criteria for a valid scientific hypothesis?
- "The Wedge - A Progress Report" by Phillip Johnson
The founder of the Wedge Strategy reports on the progress of the Intelligent Design Movement in bringing the weaknesses of evolutionary naturalism into the public eye.
- "The Meanings of Evolution" by Stephen C. Meyer and Michael Newton Keas
Proponents of evolution confuse the issue by using several meanings of the word interchangably. (An article on the Discovery Institute web site.)
- "Creation - Not Creationism" by Linda Gunderson
The word "Creationism" brings to mind other "isms" which often produce unfavorable reactions -- like "communism" or "racism." Why not turn the tables and say "creation vs evolutionism?"
- "Genetic algorithms - do they show that evolution works?" by Don Batten, Ph.D
A genetic algorithm (GA) is a computer program that supposedly simulates biological evolution. Find out why it doesn't fit the bill.
- "A Creationist Analysis of 'The Evolution of Improved Fitness'" by Ross Olson
This on line debate includes an analysis of Richard Dawkins' computerized simulation of evolution.
- "Darwin's Mystery Illness" by Russell Grigg
First published in Creation Ex Nihilo 17(4):28-30, September-December 1995. Darwin seemed to suffer from psychosomatic illnesses all the time he worked on "Origin. Find out why?
- "Charles Darwin Interview"
- by Ross Olson
An imaginary interview with Charles Darwin who has been allowed to return to the 21st Century.
- "The Dark side of Charles Darwin: A Critical Analysis of an Icon of Science" by Jerry Bergman (Review by Ross Olson)
- "Darwinism: a Universal Acid that Corrodes Everything" by Jerry Bergman
- Richard Dawkins' Evolution by Computer: Randomness Rescued?
By Ross Olson
Should creationists be shy to use the probability argument since Dawkins demonstrated computerized evolution?
- Richard Dawkins and the 11 second pause
What happened during the filming of "From A Frog To A Prince"?
The PBS miniseries on Evolution which ran the week of 9/24/2001, was an elaborate, subtle and clever attack by atheistic evolution on the book of Genesis.
- http://www.reviewevolution.com/getOurGuide.phpThere is a wonderful scholarly critique of it "A Viewers Guide" available in Acrobat format (.pdf).
- /articles/pbs_evolution.html
100 SCIENTISTS, NATIONAL POLL CHALLENGE DARWINISM. Do all scientists agree that evolution is true? Guess again! This is a news release about 100 who strongly disagree, think media treatment of the subject is scandalous and feel that they are being unfairly censored.
- The Case of the Pseudogenes by Paul Nesselroade
Now that some pseudogenes are known to have specific functions, do evolutionists admit that they look designed? (Hint: "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. Dobzhansky, 1973.")
- HUMAN AND CHIMPANZEE DNA IN THE NEWS . . . AGAIN by Frank Sherwin, M.A. Zoology
Macroevolutionists at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit announced key genetic material (DNA) of people and chimps that is 99.4% the same. But they are concerned that there ought to be MORE difference. And remember, we share 50% of our genes with bananas!
- "Chinasaurs: A Different View" by Julie Von Vett. A critique of the widely acclaimed traveling dinosaur exhibit from China, in St. Paul, Minnesota, as this article is written.
- Did Man Live With Dinosaurs? by Brooke Lodien,
7th Grade Winner of The 2007 TCCSA Writing Contest, presented at the 9/18/07 meeting.
- Are Dinosaurs Still Alive? by Max Lodien,
8th Grade Winner of The 2007 TCCSA Writing Contest, presented at the 9/18/07 meeting.
- Feathered Dinosaurs: Fact or Fiction? by Ian Taylor of Creation Moments. Are You Having T Rex's Descendent On Thanksgiving?
- The Incredible Ica Stones of Peru by Adam Schwartzbauer, 2009 10th Grader who read his paper at the September, 2009 meeting.
- Powerpoint of The Incredible Ica Stones of Peru by Adam Schwartzbauer, 2009 10th Grader who read his paper at the September, 2009 meeting.
- Ica Stone owned by TCCSA Board Member Bob Helfinstine
- "The Greatest of Creatures" by 14 year old writing contest winner Geneva Durand presented at TCCSA meeting 10/18/2011.
- "Brontosaurus the Thunder Lizard" by Annabelle L.
- "Are Birds Surviving Dinosaurs" by Annabelle L., winner in the May 2016 writing contest
"Facts on Earth" by Francie Volk, 2008 Fourth Grader Writing Contest Winner who read her paper at the 9/16/08 meeting.
- Intelligent Design and the Schools by Ross Olson
Should Intelligent Design be taught in the schools? A paper given at a town meeting for select high school students at the University of Minnesota.
- Intelligent Design by Ross Olson
A paper given at a meeting of the Jewish Community Relations Council on March 9, 2006.
- Intelligent Design And The Public Schools Article by Ross Olson
A version of the talk suitable for use as an article.
- Ross Olson Evolved by Ross Olson
From an evolutionist to a creationists! Of course, evolutionists would call it a deleterious mutation. But wouldn't even that prove the point!?
- Child Abuse? by Ross Olson
Is teaching children about God and Creation child abuse?
- The Historicity of Joseph by Dr. Charles Aling
Did Joseph really rise from slavery to high office in ancient Egypt? Do the Egyptian records give any indication?
- Mystery Of The Mistreated Mummy by Russ McGlenn
Was the hastily prepared mummy wrapped in sheepskin and buried with two staffs actually the first son of the Pharoah of the Exodus?
- Is Our 'Inverted' Retina Really 'Bad Design'? by Peter W. V. Gurney
Evolutionists intent on finding flaws in living things missed completely the sophisticated design features of the mammalian retina.
- "In Favor of Gods-of-the-Gaps Reasoning" by David Snoke
Many disparage arguments based on the impossibility of natural phenomena as "God of the Gaps" and state that it makes Christianity vulnerable to falsification if a natural cause is found. See what Dr. Snoke says about it in an article published in the ASA Journal and used by permission of the author.
- "Bill Nye" by Ross Olson
"Dancing with the Stars" does not mask dancing with the devil.
- "Logic and the Interpretation of Fossils" by Russell T. Arndts
The whole question about the logic used to evaluate fossils to support evolution can be studied by one simple challenge: where are the rules?
- J.C.Sanford's Genetic Entropy & the Mystery of the Genome nails down the coffin on both the idea of gradual improvement by natural selection and any possibility that the human race has been around for more than a few thousand years.
- "Cellular Reproduction" by Alyssa Pagel, 2008 Ninth Grader who read her paper at the November 2008 meeting.
- "Louis Pasteur" By John Nuckols
Pasteur questioned the theory of evolution, because Darwin did not base his ideas on experimental proof.
- "250 Million Years Is A Long Time" by Ross Olson
Response to articles claiming that bacteria 250 million years old were found in a salt crystal.
- "A Critical Examination of Radioactive Dating of Rocks" by S. P. Clementson
Creation Research Quarterly Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 137 -141, December 1970. Reprinted by Permission. www.creationresearch.org
The most sophistocated method of calculting radiometric ages, the Isochron-Diagram method contains a logical flaw that invalidates it.
- "Still No Proof For Ancient Age -A Response" by W. M. Overn and Russell T. Arndts
A technical analysis of "Isochrons" as defended by Dalrymple against creationist criticism, showing that despite mathematical sophistication, they are unreliable and are calibrated to "known ages" using the geologic column.
- "The Young Earth" by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.
A series of measurable processes on earth point to a young age.
(Link to ICR Web Article Archive)
- "C-14 Dating Tool or Magic Wand?" by Robert Helfinstine
From "Ancient American Archaeology"
- "How Long Ago?" by Bill Overn
- Does radiometric dating prove an old earth?
- "Experiments in Stratification" by Guy Berthault
Does stratified rock prove long ages? Actual experiments by this French researcher show something very different.
- "An Australian Fossil Insect Bed Resulting from Cataclysmic Destruction" by Andrew A. Snelling, Ph.D.
Catastrophic burial is the only explanation for fossil insects.
- "Does Genesis Really Describe Evolution?" by Ross Olson
Glenn Morton thinks it does. But is he unnaturally bending the Scripture to fit prevailing opinion? And does he really need to?
- For further interaction with Theistic evolutionists / long age Creationists, see http://rossolson.org/creation/theistic_evolution_1.html and http://rossolson.org/creation/theistic_evolution_2.html.
- "The Sea's Missing Salt: A Dilemma for Evolutionists"
"The Sea's Missing Salt: A Dilemma for Evolutionists" PDF by Steven Austin, Ph.D and D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D
From "Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Creationism," Pittsburgh, 1990, vol.2, pp. 17 - 33., with printed discussion and response by the authors. Used by permission.
- "Comets and the Age of the Solar System" by Danny Faulkner
From Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, 11(3):264-273, 1997
- A Response To Hugh Ross' December 2001 Letter To His Supporters
by Ross Olson, Dr. Hugh Ross is a sincere but misguided teacher whose ideas seem liberating to some but are a stumbling block to many more.
- THE TILT OF THE EARTH'S AXIS: Its Orientation Brings The New Age; Its History Reveals The Flood and Explains The Magnetic Reversals
by Bill Overn, The Biblical date of the flood is supported by scientific and archeological evidence.
- The Anniversary of Creation
by Linda Gunderson, Rosh Hashana Traditionally Marks The Anniversary Of The Creation Of The World. It Began Sundown Friday, September 26, 2003.
- Frozen In (Short) Time: Lost Squadron Found Under 268 Feet Of Greenland Ice After (Only) 50 Years -- The Rest Of The Story.
See the story on the site of the Lost Squadron Museum or if that link does not work, click HERE, then peruse the AIG Article which details the challenge this is to conventional dating of glaciers
Submitted by Fred Koestner.
- "God and Time" by Bob Helfinstine
- Opals in Weeks
Long ages not needed ro form precious gems
- What Does Global Warming Have To Do With Creation?
Like the Creation/Evolution issue:
* It is "science" by consensus
* Discussion is not allowed (dissenters want discussion)
* Key evidence is ignored
- there have been cycles of warming and cooling in the past
- Greenland was farmed by the Vikings long before industrialization
- Carbon dioxide follows warming as the oceans warm and release it
* Dissenters are vilified
* It assumes that man can save the earth
* It leaves out God's plan
* It accepts billions of years of earth history
* And longs for dramatic population reduction.
- "The Religion of Global Warming" by Edward Blick
- Excerpted by Bill Overn
For an article by Dr. Larry Vardimann, click HERE
For an article published in the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
click HERE.
- Obama's "Bad Molecule CO2 Myth" is a Dagger in the Back of the U.S. Economy by Edward Blick
- The cunningly manipulated embryo drawings of Ernst Haeckel proved to be such a powerful support for evolution that they remain influential even though discredited over 100 years ago. See http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/380.asp and http://zygote.swarthmore.edu/evo5.html )
- A Letter to Prentice Hall Publishers by Bryan Olson, Science teacher Bryan Olson finds the new Prentice Hall Life Science text to contain Ernst Haeckel's discredited embryo drawings and the infamous peppered moth example as proof of evolution.
- A Letter to Time by Ross Olson, Time Magazine dared show prenatal development in all its complexity, but implied that the early stages are less than human using Haeckel's discredited conclusions.
- Tributes to Bud Froehlich by Al Heitkamp and Bill Overn. Bud Froehlich was a dedicated Christian, a creationist and a member of TCCSA. His life and work defy the charge that creationists do not do good science.
- Haldane's Dilemma A genius was disturbed Should lesser evolutionists worry, too?
Click HERE for Walter Remine's analysis, effectively nailing Darwin's coffin closed.
- Pocahontas Journey to Spiritual Peace by Russ McGlenn
Did Darwin Influence Hitler?
It came up at the November 16, 2009 Bergman-Myers Debate at the University of Minnesota
Dr. Jerry Bergman made the charge in the debate responding to a question from the audience about the morality of evolution. He has written extensively on the subject finds a clear connection. See one of his papers HERE.
For an annotated bibliography, click HERE.
According to historian of science Dr. Mark Borrello, who moderated the debate, "There is abundant scholarship on this issue (that generally does not support the kind of simplistic analysis presented by Dr Bergman in his AIG piece.)" And later, "To my mind, and in the view of the majority of historians working in this area, the issue is settled." "I can and have responded to this argument (see the MnCSE website.)" For his essay, critiquing a talk by Dr. John West at the University of Minnesota, click HERE.
Dr. West responds to Dr. Borrello's critique: "I never disputed that a variety of non-Darwinists have treated people inhumanely throughout human history. The fact that non-Darwinists may also violate human dignity in no way refutes the clear evidence that Darwinists justified things like eugenics explicitly on Darwinian grounds. As for Borrello's claim that I cited Darwin inaccurately: He inaccurately cites what I said. For the sake of time, I couldn't read the entire Darwin quote he references, but I accurately summarized the portion I left out. Borrello is the one who is inaccurately citing Darwin, because he fails to acknowledge still later comments by Darwin at the end of Descent of Man extolling the struggle for survival as key to human progress. Borrello also doesn't appear to recognize how 'sympathy' is not much of an objection to eugenics in Darwin's scheme of morality... because Darwin views morality as ultimately determined by that which promotes physical survival; if sympathy no longer promotes survival, then it is no longer moral in Darwin's account of morality. I provide a discussion of this point in my 'Was a Social Darwinist?'"
When I (the webmaster for TCCSA) proposed to Drs. Myers, Bergman and Borrello, a civil discussion posted on the two web sites, Dr. P.Z. Myers responded, in the inimitable style of his popular blog, "Bergman: discredited nutcase with delusions of academic competence. Borrello: Serious scholar. I can see why you'd want to pretend they have parity, but no. That's just crazy." Click HERE and scroll down to #443 and #444 if you want the whole obscenity-laden context.
In declining participation in on ongoing civil discussion of the topic and admitting that his essay was not a formal paper, Dr. Borrello said, "German Darwinism is not my particular area of expertise (though I'm familiar with the secondary literature) and I therefore don't publish on these topics." He recommended a review of Richard Weikart's book, From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany by historian of science Sander Gliboff. Click HERE to see it.
For Weikart's responses to critical reviews, including the one by Gliboff, click HERE. And for his newest work on the subject, Hitler's Ethic: The Nazi Pursuit of Evolutionary Progress click HERE.
John West's talk that precipitated Borrello's review was an adaptation of chapter seven from his book Darwin Day in America which can be viewed HERE. Click HERE for Faith + Evolution Debates thorough treatment of both sides of the question of evolution's influence on Nazism.
West's article "Was Darwin A Social Darwinist?" can be viewed HERE. And that topic is batted back and forth on the debate page linked HERE.
- For Dissent, see P.Z. Myers' Blog, in response to a debate with Jerry Bergman. The interactions vary from occasional genuine questions, through ignorance of the facts to undisguised hatred. Note the marked contrast between this "Jerry Springer Show" format with anything scholarly.
- Dr. Myers feels he has destroyed all ID arguments. And he still thinks 95% of human DNA is junk!
- Dr. Myers suggests a writing contest with himself as judge. Scroll down to #443 and 444 for his response to a civil on line debate.
- Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust By Jerry Bergman. Darwinists try to hold Hitler at arm's length, if not a 10 foot pole, yet the data is clear. Evolution gave "scientific" justification for Nazi policies.
- H.G. Wells: Darwin's disciple and eugenicist extraordinaire by Jerry Bergman
- Darwinism's influence on modern racists and white supremacist groups: the case of David Duke by Jerry Bergman. Latter day white supremacists continue to draw from evolution to support their claims.
- E Mails to P Z Myers regarding his blog
- PS Why are we pursuing this angle instead of science? Well, the P.Z. Myers camp is pretty impervious to scientific understanding. In response to the question of where information comes from in evolution, Dr. Myers stated that evolution produces information!
When asked to explain, it appears that he believes duplication of genes produces information. He stated, "Of course evolution adds information: it's a process driven by random variation of a string of information, with subsequent filtering to find viable and more fit variants. My children are not identical to my wife and myself; they contain novel combinations of genes and many new mutations. I'll add that development is also a process that adds information. The adult multi-cellular organism that is PZ Myers is a concentrated node of complex information of much greater volume than the fertilized single-celled zygote that my parents made in 1956. As individuals and as a species, we extract energy and information from our environment to increase our personal information content."
Without even going into whether this means he is pro-life, the concept that duplication is not new information does not seem to register with him. In fact, duplication can do damage as in the case of Trisomy 21 -- Downs syndrome. All the normal information is there and one whole extra chromosome 21.
Myers also still believes that 95% of the human genome is junk -- a bit behind the times in genetics. Also, recombination is not new information and raw energy does not produce new information. The inevitable mutations are not his friends but are producing the dreaded "aging process."
Richard Dawkins at least hemmed and hawed before coming up with his answer for the dilemma of the source of information. See www.tccsa.tc/articles/dawkins_pause.html and scroll down to Dawkins explanation of information (by elimination). In summary it goes like this. A friend has had as baby and you ask, "Is it a boy or girl?" The information is a result of the elimination of one possibility, which is "selection." Therefore, mutations do not increase information but natural selection does.
Since the Blogosphere does not seem particularly strong on analysis, let me draw a picture. Information by subtraction does not add anything. It means you have to start with something and keep on taking away from it. This DOES NOT build new body plans or behaviors as evolution needs.
Yet the mythology is out there that "Dr. Dawkins 'dealt with' the challenge."
- "The Dark side of Charles Darwin: A Critical Analysis of an Icon of Science" by Jerry Bergman (Review by Ross Olson)
- Did God Really Create Man? by Emily Hannan, 9 year old Winner of 2007 TCCSA Writing Contest, presented at July 2007 Meeting
- Cartoonist Dan Nuckols Published in Washington Post
The Cartoon "Evolutionists' Brainstorm Session" was published on 3/20/2005
For the text of the article, click HERE
- Intelligent Design And The Public Schools: Talk by Ross Olson. Should Intelligent Design be taught in the schools? A paper given at a town meeting for select high school students at the University of Minnesota on January 4, 2006.
- Intelligent Design And The Jewish Schools: Talk by Ross Olson
A paper given at a meeting of the Jewish Community Relations Council on March 9, 2006.
- For the responses of the group that heard the talk on Intelligent Design And The Jewish Schools. by Ross Olson
- Intelligent Design And The Public Schools: Article A version of the talk suitable for use as an article by Ross Olson
- "Through His Handiwork" by 12 year old writing contest winner Isaiah Durand presented at TCCSA meeting 3/20/2012.
- "Cosmology Challenges Theology" by Bill Overn
Science has a tendency to shape thinking about God.
- "Confronting Secular Journalists About the Science of Evolution." by David Stoltzman.
The media are prejudiced against the scientific evidence against evolution and for creation. How can they be dealt with? Was the topic of October 17, 2000 Meeting.
- Peer Pressure and Truth by Ross Olson
People may accept ideas for reasons other than truth
- The Law Of Disregard Of Negative Information by Alexander Luria
- "Whose Religion?" by Ross Olson
Evolutionists frequently say that religion must be left out of scientific discussions, but whose religion is that?
- Click HERE For more creation articles on Ross Olson's Web Site.
- "Do Not Expect Answers" by Frank Sherwin
Does it speak well for evolution when the most comprehensive review of macroevolution concludes, "Do not expect answers?"
- "Reason" by Ross Olson
- "The Parable Of The Physicist" by Ross Olson
- "When Vegetables Were Nutritious AND Delicious:
Biblical Nutrition Based On The Garden of Eden" by Don Slinger
Slide Show NOTE 6 MB File
- "You Are What You Eat" by Rev. David Fruehauf
An Outline of the Biblical Perspective on Diet
- "The Biblical Recipe for Good Health: Food for the Body and Soul" by Rev. David Fruehauf
The Biblical Perspective on Good Physical and Mental Health
- "Life in Outer Space: Just Add Water?" by Ross Olson
The goals of the US Space Program seem to be based on the assumption that wherever liquid water can be found, life must have spontaneously arisen. Is this logical and scientific?
Two talks with a 10 minute limit on the Biblical and Scientific Evidence for young Earth Creation
- "Young Earth Creation: The Biblical Evidence" by Ross Olson
- "Young Earth Creation: The Scientific Evidence" by Ross Olson
- "Goodbye, Peppered Moths: A classic evolutionary story comes unstuck" by Carl Wieland
The peppered moth story not only does not prove macro-evolution, the original data was faked.
- CAN CHRISTIANS THINK?By Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr. Are the theories of the mainstream so powerful as to justify the claim that Christians who reject them are less than rational?
- "How Joseph Campbell's Contempt For The Book Of Genesis Has Misled Millions Of Mythology Studendnts" by Robert Bowie Johnson
- "Noah's Library" by Russ McGlenn
Handout from the lecture given 9/19/2006 at TCCSA
- "Evolutionism in the Schools" by Tom Willis
The Kansas Board of Education decision promoted science over acceptance of evolution by faith. (A letter published in USA Today)
- "Meet the Press: Creation vs Evolutionism in the Media (and the academic culture) A Scientific Theory" by Tom Willis
The misrepresentation of Tom Willis since his letter in USA Today.
- "Is Science Self Correcting?" by Nancy Pearcey
Science is supposed to be self-correcting, but in some places teachers are even prohibited from informing students about recent corrections to the theory.
- Click HERE For an article by the Chancellor of Kansas University opposing the Kansas Board of Education decision.
- Click HERE for a reply by Ross Olson on the meaning of of the Kansas Board of Education Decision and the worrisome nature of the censorious responses to it.
- Click HERE for an example of censorship and persecution of Faribault biology teacher Rod LeVake right here in "nice" Minnesota.
- "Critique of the Minnesota Science Standards" by Ross Olson
The proposed science standards for Minnesota say some good things, but then prohibit their use in the classroom.
- "Theories Of The Origin Of Oil" by Mike Westlund
- "Black Gold Stranglehold (Is Oil Being Made Today?)" by Jerome Corsi and Craig Smith
- For Present Oil Formation, by Russ McGlenn and a printable brochure.
- "Atomic Structure: Why Do We Care?" by Ross Olson
Isn't there enough for creationists to be concerned about without dragging physics into it?
- Modern PhysicsCreationists seem to fall into the same trap as the 16th Century church -- tying itself to a popular scientific theory. By Ross Olson
- "The Universal Force: Derived From a More Perfect Union of Axiomatic and Empirical Scientific Methods" by Charles W. (Bill) Lucas. A Paper submitted to the 7th International Conference on Creation
POLLEN PROBLEMS (For the evolutionist!)
In the 1980's, Creation Research Society repeated and confirmed the earlier research of Clifford Burdick, finding intact pollen in the PreCambrian strata of the Grand Canyon, which according to standard chronology should have had no flowering plants. They also found 200 million years missing with the layers above and below the missing strata interbedded (blending) and no erosion. This means their deposition was continuous without any significant gap of time.
- Creation Research Society Studies on PreCambrian Pollen: Part I - A Review," CRSQ Vol. 23, pp 99 - 104 A look at the history of the extraction of PreCambrian pollen from Grand Canyon strata, first published by Clifford Burdick in 1966.
- "Creation Research Society Studies on PreCambrian Pollen: Part II - Experiments On Atmospheric Pollen Contamination Of Microscope Slides," CRSQ Vol 23, pp 151 - 153 Attempt to demonstrate whether the data could have been caused by contamination from modern pollen.
- "Creation Research Society Studies on PreCambrian Pollen: Part III: A Pollen Analysis Of Hakatia shale And Other Grand Canyon Rocks," CRSQ Vol. 24, pp 173 - 182 The data from the repeated work showing extinct species of modern types of pollens.
- "Mississippian And Cambrian Strata Interbedding: 200 Million Years Hiatus In Question," CRSQ Vol. 23, pp 160 - 167 The Ordovician and Silurian Periods are missing between the Cambrian and Mississippian periods and the latter two are mixed and mingled where they meet.
- "PreCambrian Pollen - A Response," "Comment On 'Mississippian and Cambrian Strata Interbedding,'" "A Reply To James Moore's Comment On 'Mississippian and Cambrian Interbedding,'" Letters To the Editor, CRSQ Vol. 33, pp 239 - 247 Discussion of the objections that were voiced over the years.
- "A Subhuman?" by By C. C., ninth grade winner of the 2005 TCCSA writing contest, who shows clearly that neanderthals were not subhuman.
- "EVOLUTION IN THE BIBLE: The rise of the Theory of Evolution predicted by the Apostle Peter" By Richard Broadberry
- Halton Arp (1924 - 2013) , a maverick who should be hailed as a brilliant visionary, instead was rejected by the mainstream for challenging the ruling paradigm.
- "Reason" by Ross Olson
- "The Geologic Column" by Jonathan Cox, a 2007 TCCSA Writing Contest Winner who read his paper at the 6/19/07 meeting.
- Facts to the Wind: Reviewing "Monkey Trial," a PBS Documentary by Benjamin Wiker, National Review Online.
Reveals a little known dirty secret of the infamous Scopes Trial.
- "Second Law of Thermodynamics" by Ross Olson
- Disclaimer: There are some recent concerns about the sources from which the theory of the gospel in the stars was drawn. See the article by Danny Faulkner. Also longer more recent article https://answersingenesis.org/astronomy/stars/a-further-examination-of-the-gospel-in-the-stars/ But the consistency of the names of the constellations and the stars included in them, the conflict between heroic figures and evil serpents or dragons, with the hero crushing the head of the evil while being wounded in the heel,if these stories are indeed of ancient origin, certainly hints at connections with the figures of the cosmic conflict and gospel resolution of it as recorded in the Bible.
Yet above all, one thing is undeniable for those who take the Bible seriously. The Magi knew that the King of the Jews was born, they knew it from the stars and they were GOOD GUYS! Scripture does not say that they followed the star to Jerusalem but know from the stars that the King of the Jews was born. The Star then was seen after they had consulted with Herod. There is no indication in the Scripture that there was anything illegitimate about those wise men from the east or the way they learned about the event about which all history revolves. Also, since the written Scripture as we know it did not appear until about 1400 BC, it is not unreasonable to suppose that God had arranged other ways to remind the world of His redeeming message, first given in prophecy to Eve. The images imposed on the heavens were a memory device used by people who had much better memories than we do now, and a teaching tool to pass knowledge on to the next generation.
Also, the ancients' pre-occupation with the stars and the eventual elevation of characters of the Zodiac to divine status by even the philosophically sophisticated Greeks makes it believeable that this arose as a perversion of an original truth. That the study of the stars has turned to a seductive evil actually strengthens the concept that it was originally good because the production of close counterfeits is the trademark of the enemy of our souls. And it also needs to be remembered that the ancient sources were mostly lost except for copies preserved in the Muslim world where it is quite possible that a systematic alteration might have taken place.
- "The Gospel in the Stars" by Julie VonVett
The talk given by Julie VonVett to TCCSa on January 19, 2010. For the Star Chart she used, visit www.handsonuniverse.org/activities/uncleal/
- The Magi knew from looking at the stars that Jesus was born the King of the Jews -- and they were GOOD GUYS! How did they know and how does this fit in with the Biblical prohibitions concerning astrology? This was the topic of the November 21, 2000 Meeting.
- "Star Witness" by Henry Morris
A review of the many suggested theories of the star of Bethelem.
- "The Star of Bethlehem" by Bill Overn
What was the Star of Bethlehem?
- "A New Star" from "The Gospel In The Stars" by Joseph Seiss.*
A new star appeared in the constellation of Coma about 125 years before Christ's birth and was nearly invisable 150 years after Christ. At its peak it was called the Daystar because it was visible in the daytime. What is the constellation Coma? It is called "The Virgin-born Son.!"
- "The Alphabet and the Stars"
from "The Gospel In The Stars" by Joseph Seiss.*
There is an intriguing relationship between the constellations and the earliest alphabets.
- "Summary of the Meaning of the Constellations" from "The Gospel In The Stars" by Joseph Seiss.*
The original names, order and meaning of the constellations tells the gospel story in the stars.
* The book by Joseph Seiss, "The Gospel in the Stars," first published in 1882, is available from Kregel Publishing.
- "Yet another Eclipse for Herod" by John P. Pratt.
More information on the dating of the death of Herod which was mistakenly set at 4 BC by Josephus because Herod's sons who succeeded him, antedated their reigns -- perhaps to the time when they felt they had been selected. A later death allows much more dramatic celestial signs to be "The Star" seen by the Magi.
- "Star of Wonder, Star of Night" by Craig Chester.
The census or registration which brought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem was a special enrollment called in 2 BC to commemorate the 750th anniversary of the founding of Rome and the 25th anniversary of the reign of Caesar Augustus who was to be declared "Father of his Country." There were significant celestial events that the Romans thought pointed to Caesar but the Magi knew to refer to the "King of the Jews."
- "Dates of significant astronomical events"
Compliled from multiple sources by Ross Olson*
- "Gospel in the Stars and the Star of Bethlehem"
PowerPoint of talk by Ross Olson
- "The Christmas Star" by Barry Setterfield
Another review of the historical and astronomical variables in determining the identity of the star of Bethelem.
- The Star Of Bethlehem: An Astronomical And Historical Perspective By Susan S. Carroll
Another slightly different set of conclusions and many more links.
- The Appearance of the Sky to the Magi by Eugene Faulstich
- One possible scenario of the heavenly signs seen at the time of Christ's birth.
- "I am one of the Magi"
A dramatic monologue, one of the Magi tells his story. By Ross Olson (part of a series of Biblical monologues you may use at your church.)
- "A Monograph On Psalm 19" by Bill Overn
In Psalm 19 the references to a message "continually being preached by the heavens" is the gospel told by the original meaning of the zodiac.
- "A Response to Charles Strohmer on 'Is There A Christian Zodiac, A Gospel In The Stars?'" By Ross Olson
Because of the widespread interest in astrology and the occult, well-intentioned Christians criticize the theory that the Zodiac originally presented the gospel message. Is the concern justified?
- The Gospel Message Written In the Stars? There are questions about the accuracy of the sources from which the gospel in the stars theory is drawn. By Dr. Danny Faulkner
- Gospel in the Stars Critique Answers Magazine critiques the concept of the zodiac being originally an object lesson in the sky used for the recalling of stories portraying the gospel prophecies, but they do not look at the most convincing material. By Ross Olson
- Birth of Christ -- Some Perspectives By Bill Overn
- "Darwin and the Return of the Alchemists" by Wim M. de Jong, a Dutch consultant and researcher who sees no hope for evolution theory.
For a summary of his objections to evolution, Click HERE
You may also view papers on line by clicking HERE or HERE or HERE. Visit his website at www.evoskepsis.nl.
"The Evolutionary Dynamics of Digital and Nucleotide Codes: A Mutation Protection Perspective"
Willaim DeJong writes of a newly published study: "The article refers to the largely unknown fact that both digital codes (computer programs) and nucleotide codes (DNA) are protected against mutations. The article concludes that living nature continuously adapts to changing circumstances by gene-regulation and the recombination of gene variants ('alleles') and selection. These mechanisms for random change and selection neither produce new alleles nor expand the length of the nucleotide code, and operate within the boundaries of mutation protection."
- Skepticism's Prospects for Unseating Intelligent Design By William Dembski
Can skepticism turn its discerning eye on the foundations of its own faith? Otherwise it is doomed to docrinaire defense of a worldview that does not really hang together.
Link to the Wilberforce Forum Website
- Ape Woman Statue Misleads Public
Human-like feet deceptively placed on Lucy statue at St. Louis Zoo.
- "Life In Space: Just Add Water?" by Ross Olson
If life is found everywhere on earth that liquid water exists, does that make it inevitable that it will exist on planets with water?
- "Platypuses and How They Defy Evolutionists" by Claire Ensminger, 2007 Eighth Grader Writing Contest Winner who read her paper at the 1/15/08 meeting.
- "Experiments In Stratification" by Guy Berthault, A small screen video of his famous 1993 stratification experiments showing that finely graded strata are not necessarily sequential but may be simultanous and can be formed rapidly.
- "The Evaporite Deposits of Saltville, Virginia" by Emmett L. Williams (Posted with permission from Creation Research Society Quarterly)
- Teaspoons Evolved From Primordial Tea by Professor G. H. Kailer, DTM (Doctor of Teaspoonicine Morphology)
Reprinted with permission from the Creation Science Association for Mid-America News, Volume 11(4) July/August 1994, www.csama.org
- Biologos: Behind the Facade
- "Where Did I Come From? What Difference Does It Make?"
- by Ross Olson
- "Pre-Flood relics on the bottom of the Black Sea?" by Tas Walker
Rather than Noah's Flood, the Black Sea evidence points to a local, post-Flood catastrophe at the end of the Ice Age around 1650 BC.
- "Black Sea Artifacts and the Flood of Noah" by Bob Helfinstine
Is the building found deep under the Black Sea a relic of pre-flood earth?
- "Matthew Maury and the Paths of the Sea" by Robert Holloway
Matthew Maury Did Not Discover the Gulf Stream
- "Noah's Ark" by Russ McGlenn
what was the Ark for and what do we learn from it?
- "Scalding Steps" by Ross Olson
Did life begin in a superheated spring at the bottom of the ocean?
- "A Worldwide Flood?" A paper by an anonymous 12th Grader posted as a sample for the TCCSA Writing Contest (See Contest)
- "Whales" by Mitchell Pagel, 2008 Seventh Grader, who read his paper at the October 2008 meeting.
- "Flood Stories Around the World" by Andrew Williams, 2008 Fifth Grader who read his paper at the January 2009 meeting.
- "Experiments In Stratification" by Guy Berthault, A small screen video of his famous 1993 stratification experiments showing that graded and sequences strata are not necessarily sequential but may be simultanous and can be formed rapidly, even on the scale of the Tonto Group at the Grand Canyon..
- Videos and references on the flood
The late Ron Wyatt, between 1984 and his death in 1999, announced many discoveries which would tend to confirm Biblical history and thus might be accepted uncritically by Christians. He claims to have found not only the ark of Noah, but the Ark of the Covenant, the stone tablets with the 10 Commandments, Mount Sinai, the 12 pillars built by Moses in Exodus 24, the site where the ground swallowed the followers of Korah, the site of crossing the Red Sea with chariot wheels at 200 feet and a pillar commemorating the crossing placed by Solomon. He also claims to have translated the Copper Scroll and built a working model of the machine used by the Egyptians to build the pyramids. He even claimed to have found the socket in which the cross of Christ was placed and believes that the blood dripped down through cracks caused by the earthquakes to the Mercy Seat, buried 60 feet below. In addition to skepticism aroused by the prospect of one amateur archaeologist having such a "made for movies" career, he has also been known to use a dowsing rod in his searches. People examining the ark site are convinced that he even planted evidence there, such as petrified wood.
- "Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, and Ron Wyatt" by Linda Gunderson
A review of the evidence.
- A brief summary of the history of the supposed ark site promoted by Ron Wyatt (the Durupinar site) is the Introduction to "Could this be Noah's Ark?" found at http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v14/i4/report.asp
- John Baumgardner was at first enthusiastic about the Durupinar site but changed his mind based on core drilling and careful examination. He feels it was formed by mudslides hitting a natural rock outcrop and lists his objections in a letter posted at http://www.tentmaker.org/WAR/BaumgardnerLetter.html
- Creation (Ex Nihilo) Magazine published "Could this be Noah's Ark?" by Andrew Snelling in September 1992 with these comments: "Spectacular claims, a misleading video,people misquoted and misrepresented... It's no wonder many have asked the question..." http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/1154.asp
- A gentle but critical article on Ron Wyatt is "RON WYATT: ARE HIS CLAIMS BONAFIDE?" by Bill Crouse, posted at http://www.noahsarksearch.com/ronwyatt.htm
- A more hard hitting article, but with documentation, is "A Great Christian Scam" By Gary Amirault found at http://www.tentmaker.org/Dew/Dew7/D7-AGreatChristianScam.html
- Dinosaur Mummy Shows Sudden Recent Burial. See Now, THAT'S Well Preserved!
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