

To Creation Organizations With Web Sites

Also See Other Organizations

For Social Issue Resources
See Ross Olson's Web Site

For Reliable Hoax/Urban Legend/Rumor Information
See "Truth or Fiction" Christian Hoax Detection Website

Following is a list, by no means exhaustive, of some of the creation science and Christian resources available on the Web.

TCCSA may not necessarily endorse all the material you find on these sites, but feels that they would be of interest to creationists.

Many of these have search engines for their site and respresent a wealth of information.

If you have corrections and additions, comments or critiques on these sites, please e-mail us.

The Information Superhighway

Do you need to find some specific information on a creation related topic? Check out our TCCSA web site using "Search" for key words. Our library of articles is small (but growing) so you may not find a match.

But next, go to "Links" and begin to search the MANY outstanding creation web sites that are listed. Start with those marked with an asteryx ( * ) but they all may have what you need to know. Links to resources on abortion and social issues can be found on www.rossolson.org by clicking on "Links." The sites you visit may also lead you to even more sites. And if you find another good one, let us know by e-mailing ross{at}rossolson.org.

Creation and Related Web Sites

(Generally acknowledged major sites are marked with a *)

(Note: you must replace the {at} with @ in the e-mail addresses)

*Access Research Network
PO Box 38069
Colorado Springs, CO 80937-8069
A site with many archived articles on intelligent design and news items on its successes.
Individual Intelligent Design Theorists such as Phillip Johnson and Michael Behe have their own sites here.
web site https://www.arn.org/

Adam And Eve It
A British site with articles, recommended readings and meeting announcements
web site www.AdamAndEveIt.info

Adventure Safaris
Educational services include safaris to geological and archeological sites in MN and the Dakotas, and home-schooling resources.
They are the local contact for the South Dakota Dinosaur Dig.
They have also in the past sponsored the exciting Search for Manipogo.
Adventure Safaris cooperates with an annual Home School Science Fair in January or February.
Directed by Russ McGlenn, whose Native American name is Fox-in-the-Valley.
Russ McGlenn
1132 Sunnyslope Ln.
Santa Maria, CA. 93455
Home Phone 805 925 9750
Summer Cell 805 588 3353
Web Page https://www.adventuresafaris.org

Alpha Omega Institute
Alpha and Omega Institute was founded in 1984 by Dave and Mary Jo Nutting after they both 'evolved' from evolutionary college instructors to creationists.
Dedicated to teaching the Biblical and scientific evidence of creation throughout the world.
Resources, Conferences, Camps, Training Programs
Mailing address: PO Box 4343,Grand Junction, CO 81502
Physical address: 508 Fruitvale Ct., Unit #C, Grand Junction, CO 81504
Phone: 970-523-9943
e-mail: aoi{at}discovercreation.org
e-mail aoi{at}discovercreation.org
web site www.discovercreation.org/

American Portrait Films
web site https://www.imdb.com/company/co0167016/

*Answers In Genesis
Mailing Address:
PO Box 510
Hebron, KY 41048
Street Address:
2800 Bullittsburg Church Rd.
Petersburg, KY 41080
Phone: (859) 727-2222

Answers in Genesis publishes Answers, a popular level creation magazine similar to Creation Magazine.
Answers in Genesis built a large Creation Museum in Kentucky very near Cincinatti Ohio and is building a replica of Noah's Ark. Sponsors seminars and lectures
web site https://www.answersingenesis.org

Apologetics Press
General apologetics including evidence for creation.
Bert Thompson
230 Landmark Drive
Montgomery AL 36117-2752
Phone 334-272-8558
Fax 334-270-2002
web site https://www.apologeticspress.org/

The ARK Foundation of Dayton, Inc.
Mr. Ronnie E. Cooper
P.O. Box 33071
Dayton Ohio 45433-0071
e-mail arkfoundation{at}arky.org
web site https://www.arky.org

Associates for Biblical Research
The Associates for Biblical Research is a non-profit ministry committed to demonstrating the historical reliability of the Bible through archaeological research and related apologetic investigation
PO Box 144
Akron, Pa 17501
phone 717-859-3443
web site https://biblearcheology.org/

Jeremy Auldaney
Jeremy Auldaney, paleontologist
Paleontology, Flood and post-Flood cataclysmic geology, history, and the Nephilim.
Mr. Auldaney has written two books. Information on his research on the cause of the Flood and the Post Flood cataclysm is in the book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 at Amazon Books under Auldaney. Also see https://www.auldaney.blogspot.com for a free copy of the book illustrated in serial form on "Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 & Part 2."
address: 3410 La Sierra Ave. - F255, Riverside, CA 92503
phone: 951-235-5213
e-mail auldaney{at}yahoo.com
web site https://www.auldaney.blogspot.com
or https://www.biblicalsciencenews.blogspot.com

Beginning with Genesis Ministries, Inc.
E-mail: BWGM e-mail
Website: https://www.beginningwithgenesis.org/

Bible Science Association of California
Sponsors meetings, posts articles and resources
A local creation organization in Southern California.
It began in the late 1960s as a chapter of the national Bible-Science Association, which later changed hands and is now Creation Moments.
Bible Science Association of California web site https://bsa-ca.org

BibleLand Studios
John Adolfi
Bibleland Studios is the PT Barnum of the Bible, showcasing incredible artifacts from our ancient past. We are the Walt Disney of the religious world. Where Walt showcased fantasy, we present The Wonder of Reality. Where Ripley says Believe it or Not we ask you to Believe it!
Information on recent searches for Noah's Ark
Other topics include Genesis, Ancient Man, Giants, Ooparts Features forums, journals, surveys, galleries, links and products
e-mail Info{at}biblelandstudios.com
web site https://www.biblelandstudios.com

The Bible Science Guy
William T. Pelletier, Ph.D.
Writes, Speaks, Blogs,
Blogs can be translated into 65 languages
e-mail biblescienceguy@gmail.com
web site https://biblescienceguy.wordpress.com/

Biblical Science Institute
Jason Lisle
Articles, Speaking Engagements
web site https://biblicalscienceinstitute.com/

Biblical Worldview
Israel Wayne
Purpose is to equip people to think and live with a consistent and cohesive Biblical/Christian worldview
web site: www.ChristianWorldview.net e-mail israel{at}wisgate.com

Affiliated with Wisdom's Gate www.wisgate.com
Big Valley Creation Science Museum
A Museum in Alberta
Box 340, Big Valley, AB, Canada, TOJ OGO
phone: 403-876-2100
web site: www.bvcsm.com
e-mail info{at}bvcsm.com

Black Hills Creation Science Association
P.O. Box 2949
President Dr. Randy Guliuzza Rapid City, SD 57709-2949
phone 605-348-0830 or 605-388-0748
Gerardus D. BOUW, Ph.D.
Dept. of Math & Comp. Science
Baldwin-Wallace College
275 Eastland Road
Berea, OH 44017
Phone: 216-826-2117 / FAX: 216-826-6973
Prof Bouw is a deep and witty thinker with some surprising conclusions.
Unfortunately, that includes geocentricism, which nearly all creationists reject and which is used by evolutionists to ridicule our positions.
e-mail gbouw{at}bw.edu
web site https://www.bw.edu/~gbouw/

Malcom BOWDEN's Creation Page
Articles and book information
e-mail mb{at}mbowden.info
web site mbowden.info

Richard Broadberry
Based in Southhampton England, frequently in China Co-author God's Promise to the Chinese
And other books showing that the ancient Chinese recognized the Creator God Who loves all people and worshipped Him with animal sacrifice and further immortalized these principles in their written language.
This shows that Christianity is not a foreign religion but the fulfillment of the sacrifices.
It is also independent confirmation of the historicity of Genesis from Creation through the Fall to the Flood. It is consistent with the Tower of Babel dispersion of people who had heard the stories from Noah's family.
Co-authors are Ethel Nelson and Ginger Tong Chock
Also writes book reviews. web site www.broadberry.org

Buried Alive -- The Starting Truth About Neanderthal Man
Based on the book by Jack Cuozzo
e-mail job41{at}yahoo.com
website https://www.jackcuozzo.com

Canyon Ministries
Tom and Paula Vail
Wrote the popular book Grand Canyon, A Different View
Which critics want to remove from the US Park Service Bookstores
Organizes raft trips through the Grand Canyon
website https://www.canyonministries.com/

*Center for Scientific Creation
5612 North 20th Place
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Dr. Walter Brown
Lots of information on web site.
Now on line: "In The Beginning," Dr. Brown's comprehensive guide to creation and detailed explanation of his remarkable "Hydroplate Theory" which accounts for an enormous amount of geological and astronomical data.
Publishes books, sponsors seminars and debates.
web site https://www.creationscience.com/

Chick Publications
Many tracts, some Creation tracts
TCCSA does not agree with all the stands taken by Jack Chick,
but many of the tracts are powerful
web site https://www.chick.com

Christ Serve Ranch
TCCSA has provided consultation for this Creation-Science Environmental Learning Center near Henning, Minnesota. This will be the first Bible based Environmental Learning Center in the World and a significant step forward for science. This is where future leaders of the church as well as science will receive training.

Bill Schultz
Director of Planning and Resource Development
Lutheran Island Camp, Inc.
45011 230th St.
Henning, MN 56551
e-mail info{at}islandcamp.org
website www.christserveranch.org

*Christian Answers
Eden Communications / Films for Christ
Mr. Paul S. Taylor
1832 S. Macdonald Ste 101
Mesa Arizona 85210
fax 480-668-6777
Many books and videos available
e-mail mail{at}eden.org
web site https://www.ChristianAnswers.net

Good dinosaur site https://christiananswers.net/dinosaurs/

The CHRISTIAN Apologetics and Research Center
Discusses theological systems and examines them from a Christian perspective.
Documents the religious beliefs of a system,
analyzes them, and compares them to Biblical revelation.
It has a section on Creation/Evolution
Even has a debate section!
e-mail carmorg3{at}hotmail.com
web site https://www.carm.org/

The CHRISTIAN Apologetics Answers
Website https://www.sixdaycreation.com/ Christian Ministries International
Ron Carlson's sons
PO Box 1156
Minnetonka MN 55345
e-mail info{at}christianministriesintl.org
web site https://www.jude3.com/

Christian Resource Center

CRC (formerly CERC) Christian Resource Center
CRC is a lending library that includes many Home School Resources
CRC's over 10,000 books, videos, audiocassettes, music and computer CDs are from a Biblically based worldview.
Incorporated in CRC is an extensive Creation Science lending library with 435 different Creation resources for all age groups and technical and non-technical resources.
2129 Fairview Ave. N.
Roseville, MN 55113
E-mail jcforshee{at}usfamily.net
For a list of resources, click HERE.

For More Details, Click HERE and HERE.
Christians In Science (Great Britain)
CiS Secretary
Dr. Caroline Berry
4 Sackville Close, Sevenoaks
Kent TN13 3QD
phone 01732 451907
fax 01732 464253
e-mail secretary{at}cis.org.uk
web site https://www.cis.org.uk/

*Common Sense Science
PO Box 767306
Roswell GA 30076-7306
An organization of physicists working on a return of physics to classical principles including cause and effect without paradoxes or departure from logic.
phone 678-352-0450
e-mail d.bergman{at}mindspring.com
web site https://www.CommonSenseScience.org

Confound the Wise Ministries
P.O. Box 697
Tonto Basin, AZ 85553
On line blogs and a speaking schedule
web site https://confoundthewise.org/

Constancy of the Velocity of Light
The debate on whether the speed of light is slowing down
e-mail barrysetterfield{at}hotmail.com
web site https://ldolphin.org/constc.shtml

Coral Ridge Ministries
The Late Dr. D. James Kennedy
Dr. Kennedy was an outspoken advocate for young earth creation and his site has resources.
Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
phone 800-229-9673
e-mail letters{at}coralridge.org
web site https://www.coralridge.org/

Cornerstone Educational Supply
1423 Edley Place
Lynchburg, VA 24502
email: info@cornerstone-edsupply.com
Books, Artifacts, Curricula, Kits
web site https://cornerstone-edsupply.com/

Creation Association of Puget Sound/Northwest Creation Network
Resources and Meetings in the Pacific Northwest
web site https://www.nwcreation.net

The CREATION Concept
Douglas Cox
web site https://www.sentex.net/~tcc/

Creation Clues
David and Sara Mikkelson
Good resource articles and a kids' club.
web site www.creationclues.org

Creation, Dinosaurs and the the Flood
Periodic Seminars, regularly scheduled cable TV programs
Charlie Liebert
CDEF 5 Great Castle Court
Greensboro, NC 27455
E-Mail charlie{at}sixdaycreation.com Creation Discovery Project
A Creation Organization in Ontario Canada
e-mail david{at}creationdiscovery.org
web site https://www.creationdiscovery.org/

Creation Education Association
Publishes educational material, gives lectures, makes models of the ark
Eugene Sattler
W22228 Badger Avenue
Pine River WI 54965
phone 920-987-5979
e-mail sattlere1{at}juno.com

Creation Education Resources
Publishes A Creation Research Database
A valuable Resource for Researchers
108 McVickers Road
Middleburg FL 32068
phone 904-213-1177
e-mail cer{at}creationeducation.org
website www.creationeducation.org

Creation Encounter
Sponsor creation based tours and write guides for National Parks and Monuments
John Hergenrather
1086 Tucker Road
Hood River, OR 97031
Phone: (541) 490-3396
Email: john@creationencounter.com
Dennis Bokovoy
210 May Street
Hood River, OR 97031
Phone: (541) 386-2223
Email: priority1@gorge.net
John Hergenrather
1086 Tucker Road
Hood River, OR 97031
Phone: (541) 490-3396
Email: john@creationencounter.com website www.creationencounter.com/

*Creation Evidence Museum
Dinosaur tracks and human tracks together in the same strata.
Carl Baugh, Ph.D
PO Box 309
Glen Rose TX 76043
phone 254-897-3200
web site https://www.creationevidence.org

*Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia
A library of quotations and articles.
web site https://www.pathlights.com/ce_encyclopedia

Creation/Evolution Headlines
Newspaper format stories
Organized by date back to 2004 and searchable by topic.
web site https://crev.info/

Creation/Evolution Reference Database
Many references listed
web site https://www.coresci.org/celd/

Creation Instruction Association
Brian Young
Instructional Lectures, Books
1770 S. Overland
Juniata, NE 68955
Phone: 402-756-5121
web site https://creationinstruction.org/
Museum: Click Here for Mobile Museum Promo.

Creation Joy
Articles, Resources, Blog web site https://www.creationjoy.com/

Creation Learning Center
On the site of Lutheran Island Camp, Inc.
Offering Creation Education in a beautiful natural setting
Bill Schultz
45011 230th St.
Henning, MN 56551
phone 218-583-2905
e-mail licplanning{at}islandcamp.org
web site www.christserve.org

Creation Ministries Internation
Continues Australian Published Journals after split with "Answers in Genesis"
Publishers of "Creation Magazine" (a non technical journal)
And "Journal of Creation" formerly "TJ" and also originally "Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal"
PO Box 4545
Eight Mile Plains
QLD 4113
Ph: +617 3340 9888
Fax: +617 3340 9889
4355 J Cobb Pkwy PMB 218
Atlanta GA 30339-3887
phone 1-800-6161-CMI
They also have offices in Canada, NZ, Sth Africa, UK & Singapore
Website: www.creation.com/

*Creation Moments (formerly Bible Science Association)
19365 65th St NE
PO Box 839
Foley, MN 56329
Phone: 320-968-4092
Fax: 320-968-4094
Toll Free: 800-422-4253
Headed by Ian Taylor, speaker and author of In the Minds of Men. Creation Moments maintains a resource catalog for ordering creation science materials. They also produce a radio program "Creation Moments."
web site www.creationmoments.com
E-mail: info{at}creationmoments.com

Creation Outreach Association
Mr. Ken Clark
West 4011 27th Ave.
Spokane Washington 99204
FAX 509-838-1232
e-mail Ken{at}CreationOutreach.com
web site https://www.creationoutreach.com/

*Creation Research of Australia
Mr. John Mackay
P.O. Box 281
Hartsville, TN 37074
FAX 615-374-3045
John Mackay, science teacher & lecturer in colleges on geology
Intercontinental research on the evidence for Creation, Noah's Flood and Babel
His creation program is being taught in PUBLIC schools in Kentucky and other states.
Sends free e-mail updates on creation research worldwide
e-mail creation{at}vicmar.com.au
web site https://www.creationresearch.net

Creation Research of the North Coast
Mr. Bill Odonnell, Sr.
P.O. Box 771
Bayside California 95524-0771
FAX 707-442-8370
e-mail crnc{at}creationnews.org
web site https://www.creationnews.org/

Creation Research, Science Education Foundation
P. O. Box 292
Columbus, Ohio 43216
Sponsors meetings, gives scholarships
e mail crsef{at}worldbydesign.org
web site https://www.worldbydesign.org/

*Creation Research Society
P.O. Box 8263
St. Joseph, MO 64508-8263
A national organization of over 600 Christian Men and Women with advanced degrees in science.
Sponsors and publishes books and the Creation Research Society Quarterly with research and analysis of creation topics.
e-mail contact{at}creationresearch.org
web site https://www.creationresearch.org

*Creation Resource Foundation
Mr. Dennis R. Petersen
P.O. Box 570
El Dorado California 95623
530-626-4447 or 800-497-1454
web site https://www.awesomeworks.com/

Creation Resource Library
Mrs. Ellen Myers
1429 N. Holyoke
Wichita, KS 67208
phone 316-683-3610
fax 316-683-3610
Has a lending library available by mail
web site https://www.creationism.org/library/index.htm

*Creation Resources Trust
Mead Farm, Downhead
West Camel, Yeovil
Somerset, BA22 7RQ, England
phone 01935 850569 (England)
Resources, events, books
"Our World" for children, "Original View" for teens
e mail creationresources{at}compuserve.com
web site https://www.c-r-t.co.uk/

Creation Safaris
Combining Bible Science Association website and Creation Safaris
BSA was started by the late Rev. Walter Lang
David Coppedge's witty commentary on science news items can be seen on https://www.creationsafaris.com/crevnews.htm
web site https://www.creationsafaris.com/

Creation Science Academy
John Nuckols
Home school creation science for central Minnesota
e-mail webmaster{at}ecreationscience.com
web site https://www.ecreationscience.com/about.html
For facebook click HERE

The CREATION Science Association For Mid-America
Tom Willis
Monthly Meetings, Safaris, Speakers, Resources. 22509 State Line Rd
Cleveland, MO 64734
phone 816-618-3610
e-mail csahq{at}juno.com
web site https://www.csama.org

Creation Science Association of Alberta
web site https://www.create.ab.ca/

Creation Science Association of British Columbia
web site https://creationbc.org/

Creation Science Association of India.
G P O Box 2347
Kolkata 700 001
West Bengal INDIA
Telephone: (+91 - 33) 2672 1704 Fax - (+91 33) 2672 0701 Skype: vu3bgi
Email: jyotipc@gmail.com
Web site under construction www.creationstudies.com
Description of organizationhttps://creationwiki.org/Creation_Science_Association_of_India

*Creation Science Evangelism
Kent Hovind
c/o 29 Cummings Road
Pensacola FL 32503
phone 850-479-4311
A very entertaining speaker and skilled communicator who conveys vast amounts of information and makes you wish for more.
web site https://www.drdino.com

Creation Science Fellowship, Inc.
P. O. Box 99303
Pittsburgh, PA 15233-4303
Phone 412-341-4908
e-mail address: csficc{at}csfpittsburgh.org
Sponsors periodic International Conferences on Creation
Publishes Proceedings of those Conferences (Available For Sale)
web site https://csfpittsburgh.org

Creation Science Information Service
Publicizing Creation in South Africa
Joshua Gilbert
P O Box 562066
Chatsworth 4030, South Africa
Phone 031-4013157
Fax 031-4038470
e-mail jgilbert {at}iafrica.com

Creation Science of Saskatchewan Inc.
web site https://www.creation-science.sk.ca

*Creation Science Movement
Begun in 1932 as Evolution Protest Movement
Publishes a Journal, available on line
Has a museum in Portsmouth, England
web site https://www.csm.org.uk/

*Creation-Science Research Center
San Diego
A site featuring the writing of Robert E. Kofahl
Perhaps best known for his Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter
Dr. Kofahl answers creation questions sent via his site.
web site https://www.parentcompany.com/csrc/

Creation-Science Resource
Many organizations, sites, ministries listed
Lists many flood legend references, archeological resources, tours
Downloadable Power Point presentationss, Live Creation Chat Room
Web site https://www.nwcreation.net/

Creation Science Resource
Information on creation organizations, catalogue of articles and links to cartoons.
web site https://www.nwcreation.net/humor.html

Creation Science Resources
e mail cssr{at}bracklanet.freeserve.co.uk
web site https://www.sixdaycreation.com/

Creation Science Seminars
Seminars on Worldviews And Violence Prevention
Robert C. Frey
13150 Stewart Ave.
Norwood, MN 55368-9675
phone 952-467-4474
e-mail: Freysci{at}aol.com
web site www.CreationScienceSeminars.org

Creation Science Today
Roger Gallop, Ph.D., a professional geologist and marine scientist, is a speaker and author of the book, evolution - The Greatest Deception in Modern History. The mission statement of CreationScienceToday conforms with the mission statement of TCCSA.
P. O. Box 711
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida 32004-0711
The website is a comprehensive summary of scientific evidence for Divine creation with a short video depicting the three phases of the worldwide flood. The book is an easy-to-read, comprehensive and compelling review of scientific evidence for creation-loaded with color photos and illustrations.
web site www.creationsciencetoday.com
E-mail: info{at}creationsciencetoday.com

*Creation Sensation
2619 Donald Circle
Benton, AR 72015
phone 501-776-3147
web site https://www.creationsensation.com

Creation Social Science and Humanities Quarterly
Examines the implications of the Biblical creation model of origins
for the social sciences and humanities
web site https://www.creationism.org/csshs/index.htm

Creation Studies Institute
Headed by Tom DeRosa who is available for speaking
Associated with the late James Kennedy's Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Has home school resources and other books
Weekly radio program Fridays at 9:00 pm at 90.3 in south Florida
Starting a Creation Museum
5601 N. Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
phone 954-771-1652, 800-882-0278
fax 954-491-3021
e-mail info@creationstudies.org
web site https://www.creationstudies.org/

Creation Study Group
Puts on meetings, publishes a newsletter and articles
They have a speakers bureau, student ministries and zoo tours for the Carolina Area
PO Box 1674
Greenville, SC 29602
phone (864) 220-2322
e-mail info{at}creationstudygroup.org
web site www.creationstudygroup.org

Creation Training Initiative
Training Christians to Speak Biblical Truth
Seminars, Training courses, DVDs Books
e-mail mriddle{at}CreationTraining.org
web site https://www.creationtraining.org/

Creation Truth Foundation
Seminars and books, such as
The Science According to Moses Trilogy, Eve Mother of All,
They Willingly Ignored the Flood,
What the Scientists Really Know About Dinosaurs
P.O. Box 1435
Noble, OK 73068
phone 1-888-57-TRUTH
web site https://www.creationtruth.com

Creation Truth Ministries
Seminars Travelling Museum and Other Resouces
Creation Truth Ministries
Box 25147
Deer Park P.O.
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2
web site https://creationtruthministries.org

An amazing site with articles available in 45 languages, as well as video and audio resources
This link includes a number of complete books which can be read on line and a few which can be downloaded for free as well as many images which can be downloaded, some of which are significant public domain collections.
Note: There are some "old" books which have incorrect intrepretations of data, so check with recent sources for updated information.
Also includes articles by Harvard Graduate Stephan Caesar of Associates for Biblical Research.
e-mail of web guru Paul Abramson paul{at}zzz.com
web site https://www.Creationism.org
His links page is extensive www.creationism.org/topbar/links.htm

Darwinism Refuted
A comprehensive series of articles on the evidence against Darwinism.
It is structured to answer a skeptic's objections.
web site www.darwinismrefuted.com

Defending the Bible
Rick Dack
A.D. Communications and Hollywood vs The Bible
Multimedia Resources
Archeology, TV & Film Reviews
phone 952-933-4770 adcommunications{at}usfamily.net
web site www.defendingthebible.com

Design and the Universe
Nice graphics, a selection of resources

Design Science Association of Portland
PMB 218
465 NE 181st Ave.
Portland OR 97230
web site https://designsciencenw.org/

Discovery Institute Center for the Renewal of Science & Culture
Explores "life after materialism" in many areas including science
Senior Fellows include Michael J. Behe, William A. Dembski, Michael Denton and Nancy Pearcey
Other fellows include Walter Bradley, Dean H. Kenyon, Jed Macosko, Forrest M. Mims, J.P. Moreland and Charles Thaxton
web site https://www.discovery.org/crsc/

*Lambert DOLPHIN's Library
A Large Resource Library
web site https://www.ldolphin.org/

Earth History
website https://www.earth-history.com/

Earth History Research Center
Started by Drs. Art Chadwick and Lee Spencer
web site https://origins.swau.edu/

*Earth Science Associates
Dr. Robert Gentry
P.O. Box 12067
Knoxville TN 37912-0067
Noted radiohalo researcher
Author of Creation's Tiny Mysteries
web site https://www.halos.com/

web site https://www.evidencebible.com/

Evidence for God from Science
Many discussions ongoing, articles and resources
web site https://www.godandscience.org/

Evidences Of God From Space
A Web Site that examines the evidence for creation from astronomy
web site https://godevidences.net/

Evolution and Creation Resources at California State University Fullerton
Hosted by James R. Hofmann
Teacher of Philosophy at California State University Fullerton
Lists many pro and con refererences on Creation vs evolution
Essentially a debate site from a secular University
But gives a voice to the creation side.
web site https://hssfaculty.fullerton.edu/liberal/jhofmann/

Evolution or Not
Judge Braswell Deen
Material on legal action and academic freedon
Downloadable book, Deen's List: ABC's on ADR
website www.evolutionornot.com

Wim M. de Jong
A Dutch Consultant with a purely scientific rebuttal of evolution
(Who may not share our conclusions about the Creator)
For a summary of his objections see www.evoskepsis.nl/english/publications.html
e-mail dejong{at}ini-consult.nl
website www.evoskepsis.nl

Extinction Shift Principle
Dr. Edward Henry Dowdye, Jr.
An alternative to the Doppler and Relativistic principles,
showing that Relativity is not necessary to explain the bottom-line results.
to schedule talks seminar{at}extinctionshift.com
e-mail EHDowdye{at}hotmail.com
web site https://www.extinctionshift.com/
See also Common Sense Science

Faith in Science Educational Ministries
Rick Dack
Rick is a writer, animator and mythbuster who artistically demonstrates the emptiness of the anti-biblical prejudice of the entertainment industry. He is also on the board of Institute for biblical Archeology.
The site provides speaking engagements, videos and other resources.
Toll Free: (800) 964-1447
Phone: 952-933-1979 or 763-913-0351
e-mail: defendingthebible{at}usfamily.net
web site https://www.defendingthebible.com

Faith Search International
Dr. Don Bierle
Sponsors Seminars, Publishes Resources
105 Peavey Road, Suite 200, Chaska, MN 55318
Toll Free: (800) 964-1447
Phone: (952) 401-4501 FAX: (952) 401-4504
e-mail: info{at}faithsearch.org
web site https://www.faithsearch.org/

First Days Ministries
Mr. George Berntsen
1017 Howe Ave.
Shelton Connecticut 06484
e-mail george{at}firstdays.org
web site https://www.firstdays.org

Eugene Faulstich
Time In The Bible
Bible Chronology Books
A Compilation of the work of the late Eugene Faulstich
Who founded Chronology History Research Institute in Ruthven, Iowa
Detailed Biblical Chronology, both from a Christian and a Jewish persective
web site www.biblechronologybooks.com/ Which provides a free chronology program for download.

Foundations In Genesis of Idaho-Oregon
Boise, Idaho
Meetings and Field Trips in Idaho and Oregon
web site https://www.figionline.com

Foundation Advancing Creation Truth (FACT)
PO Box 684
Glendive, Montana 59330-0684
phone 406-377-1141
e-mail fact{at}midrivers.com
www.creationtruth.org web site www.creationtruth.org
for a Newsletter, click HERE.
Owns a prime dinosaur fossil site and a museum and camp near I 94.

From Hoah to Hercules
Creation / Biblical History
Information regarding pagan gods and the origin of mankind.
e-mail See Website
web site https://FromNoahtoHercules.com/
Genesis Evidence Ministry
Teno Groppi
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
phone 920-376-0828
e-mail g-e-m{at}new.rr.com
web site www.genesisevidence.org
A number of illustrated creation tracts on various topics on the site.
Also short articles and interactions with evolutionists

Genesis File
Evolution Myth Exposed
Book: Cosmis War: Battlefield Earth
Warren L. Johns, Esq. (ret.)
Email: mailto:wljohns{at}icloud.com
web site https://genesisfile.com/

The GENESIS Institute
740 South 128th Street
Seattle, WA 98168-2726
(206) 246-5575 or 206-241-8988
web site https://www.creationism.org/lang/
Founded by the late lecturer and author Rev. Walter Lang, who moved from Richfield to Seattle. An excellent source for information concerning the creation movement worldwide. Maintained a resource catalog for ordering creation science materials. Produced a quarterly magazine, "The Ark Today".

Genesis Network
Missouri Association for Creation
Mr. Neal Newland
P.O. Box 27609
St. Louis Missouri 63146-0609
e-mail mac{at}creation.org
web site https://www.gennet.org

Genesis Park
A site with lots of information about dinosaurs
e-mail info{at}genesispark.com
web site https://www.genesispark.com

Many articles and resources from a Jewish perspective.
TCCSA would disagree with him on several things besides the Messiah
He accepts quantum theory which TCCSA feels has been dealt with by Common Sense Science and found not only inadequate but unnecessary.
3727 Chesswood Dr.
Toronto, ON, M3J 2P6
phone 416-858-9868
fax 416-630-3712
e-mail via the website
web site https://faithandscience.com/about/

Grand River Museum
A great museum working in cooperation with
Russ McGlenn and Adventure Safaris
114 10th Street West
Lemmon, South Dakota 57638
phone 605-374-3911
e-mail grmuseum{at}sdplains.com
web site https://www.thegrandrivermuseum.com/

Griffin Communications
Lyndon Griffin, Historian, Lecturer, former TCCSA Board Mamber
Lectures include the Scopes Trial
PO Box 20472
Bloomington MN 55420
phone 952-948-9211
e-mail griffinpresentations@gmail.com
web site www.griffincommunications.org/

Homeschool Central
A resource site for homeschoolers
All the resources necessary to be a successful homeschool family.
Has a creation page

Ian Juby's Creation Ministry
Travels and lectures using a mobile creation museum
Lots of information on the web site
home Base: Chalk River, Ontario, Canada
Email: ianjuby[at]ianjuby.org
Phone: 877-532-9160, ext 100
web site www.ianjuby.org

*Institute for Creation Research
1806 Royal Lane
Dallas, TX 75229
(800) 337-0375
Museum (California)
10946 Woodside Ave. North
Santee, CA 92071
(619) 596-6011
Creationist graduate school located in Dallas Texas.
Maintains a museum in California, sponsors seminars and publishes many books and periodicals.
web site https://www.icr.org

Intelligent Design Theory
Robert Liang
A work in progress analyzing many aspects of intelligent design in physics and biology.
His ideas of the atom are inconsistent with the better supported theories of Common Sense Science.
e-mail mail@intelligentdesigntheory.info
web site www.intelligentdesigntheory.info

Intelligent Design Network
PO Box 14702,
Shawnee Mission, KS 66285-4702
Networks among Intelligent Design supporters
Sponsors seminars, provides resources, hosts e-mail discussions.
e-mail IDnet{at}att.net
web site https://www.IntelligentDesignNetwork.org

The International Association For Creation
P.O. Box 621507
Oviedo, Fla. 32762
To work with Biblical creation museums and ministries around the world to credibly present the historical authenticity of Genesis, affirm the faith of Christians, and declare the salvation message to the lost. As we endeavor to unify creation museums and ministries, we seek to provide them with strategic guidance for tactically presenting biblical creation evidence and debunking evolution.
e-mail contact@associationforcreation.org
web site www.AssociationForCreation.org

Issues in Education
Deals with science education and other educational issues
Bob & Geri Boyd
PO Box 12555
Prescott AZ 86304
web site https://issuesineducation.org/programs.htm

Jesus, Dinosaurs and More!
Organized topical articles
e mail job41{at}yahoo.com
web site https://www.angelfire.com/mi/dinosaurs/

(Bill Bennett's Organization)
8000 Westpark Drive
Suite 500
McLean, VA 22102
phone: 703-748-4005
toll free: 1-866-Your K12 (1-866-968-7512)
fax: 703-832-8872
e-mail: info{at}k12.com
web site https://www.k12.com
Help for home or private schools
from former Education Secretary under Ronald Reagan, Bill Bennett

An artistic web site for kids with excellent animations.
web site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmlABIuz0MY
For an animation of Creation from Psalm 19
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFpCfw9EjRM
Note that it is a large file, about 500 KB.
Also, once it has downloaded, maximize your screen for the most dramatic effect.

Korean Association for Creation Research (KACR)
A Creation Website In The Korean Language
Euisun Lee, contact person
e-mail creation{at}creation.or.kr
web site https://www.creation.or.kr/

  • Lehrke Productions no longer exists
    But You Can Get The DVDs of Many TCCSA Meetings
    Cost is $5.00 for one and 3 for $10.00
    For a list of DVDs of TCCSA meetings presently available
    Click HERE and Contact Dave Johnson.

Logos Research Associates
Sponsor scientific research into origon questions
Logos Research Associates, Inc.
3232 W. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 113
Santa Ana, CA 92704
e-mail logos.research.associates{at}gmail.com
web site https://www.logosresearchassociates.org

Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators
PO Box 32308, Fridley, MN 55432
Metro area: 763-717-9070
Greater MN (toll-free): 866-717-9070
Email: mache{at}isd.net
web site https://www.mache.org/

MacLaurin/Anselm House
Study Center: 1337 Cleveland Avenue N.
St. Paul, MN 55108
A Christian Study Center at the University of Minnesota
Some of its courses and special events touch on creation/evolution but always old earth.
e-mail hello{at}anselmhouse.org
web site https://anselmhouse.org/

Media Angels
15720 S. Pebble Lane
Fort Myers FL 33912-2341
Started by two Home School Teachers, the late Geologist Jill Whitlock and Felice Gerwitz who continues the work
Site features experiments and virtual field trips.
e-mail available on the website
web site https://www.mediaangels.com

Mere Creation: Scholars United For Intelligent Design
Site featuring leading lights in the intelligent design movement, such as: Phillip Johnson, Michael Behe, Walter Bradley, William Dembski and Nancy Pearcey as well as some long age creationists. All of them, for the purposes of the movement, concentrate only on the evidence for intelligent design.
web site https://www.origins.org/mc/

Midwest Creation Fellowship
PO Box 479
Gurnee Illinois 60031-0479
Information on meetings in the Chicago area, a newsletter, essay contests, printed resources and speakers. They also have a DVD lending library
Phone 847-223-4730
e-mail info{at}MidwestCreationFellowship.org, also available on the web site
Blog www.mcfwest.wordpress.com web site https://www.midwestcreationfellowship.org/

Missouri Association for Creation
Located in St Louis, Missouri
e-mail through the website.
Speakers and resources
web site https://www.missouricreation.org/

Mount Blanco Fossil Company and Museum
Joe Taylor, fossil preservation and cast-making expert
P. O. Box 550 Crosbyton TX 79322
phone 806-675-7777
fax 806-675-2421
To order books 800-367-7454 (800-FOSSIL-4)
e-mail: mtblanco1{at}aol.com
web site https://www.mtblanco.com

Mount St. Helens - Creation Information Center
4749 Spirit Lake Highway
Silverlake, WA. 98645
Phone/Fax: 360-274-5737
A museum with displays of the rapid formation of geologic features by Mt. St. Helens.
web site https://www.creationism.org/sthelens/index.htm

Nature of Creation
Mike Snavely
President, Mission: Imperative!
411 Darlington Avenue
Jonestown, PA 17038
Seminars, Articles
Tel: (717) 865-2095 Fax: (717) 865-2095
E-mail: info(at)natureofcreation.org

Noah's Ark Search
A great deal of information regarding the search for Noah's Ark

Bernard NORTHRUP's Biblical Nuggets
Excellant Biblical linguistic analysis and interpretation including creation topics
web site https://www.ldolphin.org/bibleinterp.html

Mount St Helens Creation Center
147 Front Ave NW,
Castle Rock, WA 98611 phone 360-274-5737
Mount St Helens Creation Center is a missionary facility dedicated to creation science studies at Mt. St. Helens. e-mail info(at)mshcreationcenter.org
web site https://www.mshcreationcenter.org/7ws1/

Northwest Treasures
Patrick Nurre, geologist Creation geology resources, tours and home school curricula Geology Learning Center
23601 52nd Avenue West
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
Phone 425-488-6848
web site https://northwestrockandfossil.com/

(Non-Politically Correct)
Many resources available
Run by TCCSA Member Darrell Ayers
3121 Girard No.
Mpls. MN 55411
e-mail isaiah312{at}aol.com
Web site https://npcnonpoliticallycorrect.webs.com/ OOPARTS & ANCIENT HIGH TECHNOLOGY
A very interesting site with many links on a variety of creation topics
A lot on ancient high technology (OOPARTS is "Out of Place Artifacts") web site e-mail respond{at}s8int.com

Quad City Creation Science Association
Articles and meetings
Located in Quad Cities, Dubuque Iowa and vicinity.
web site https://qccsa.org/

Ross OLSON's Creation Page
Articles as well as correspondence with atheists and Theistic evolutionists
Site also includes commentary on social issues, letters to the editor, as well as poetry, drama and humor
e-mail ross{at}rossolson.org
web site https://www.rossolson.org

Origins Resource Association
(South Louisiana and Mississippi)
A nonprofit organization of scientists, educators, and citizens furnishing resources to help counter brainwashing of the public by mainstream science.
E.A. Boudreaux, Ph.D., President
(Dr. Boudreaux has collaborated with Common Sense Science)
phone 504-482-0165
e-mail eabcm3{at}uno.edu
web site https://www.originsresource.org

Bill OVERN's Web Page
TCCSA Co-Founder has Creation articles on www.tccsa.tc.

Points of Origins Ministries
Ministry aimed at students with questions. P.O. Box 1435
Noble, OK 73068
phone: 1-405-872-9856
Dr. G. C. Jackson has his bachelor's degree in Biology, a master's in Science Education, and a master's in Environmental Biology from George Mason University. He earned his doctorate in Science Education at University of Virginia.
Offers Courses, Lectures, Debates,
Answers e-mail questions through his web site with snappy answers.
Sends out a free e-mail bulletin on creation topics, answers questions
web site https://www.creationtruth.com/points-of-origins.html

A site that asks a lot of questions of evolution.
Some may have answers but there are many do not.
e-mail through the web site web site https://creation.com/question-evolution

Read Books
Broadberry's Books
Also see www.broadberry.org
Dr. Ethel Nelson
Read Books
1054 Meadowlark Rd.
Dunlap TN 37327
Publishes God's Promise to the Chinese
& Oracle Bones Speak
(Which is bilingual Chinese English)
And other books showing that the ancient Chinese recognized the Creator God Who loves all people and worshipped Him with animal sacrifice and further immortalized these principles in their written language.
This shows that Christianity is not a foreign religion but the fulfillment of the sacrifices.
It is also independent confirmation of the historicity of Genesis from Creation through the Fall to the Flood. It is consistent with the Tower of Babel dispersion of people who had heard the stories from Noah's family.
Co-authors are Richard Broadberry and Ginger Tong Chock
e-mail drernelson{at}msn.com
phone 423-949-4603

Religion Analysis Service
Religion Analysis Service is a non-profit interdenominational ministry dedicated to combating the false teachings of the cults and to the defense of theBible-based Christian faith.
Since 1946, we have specialized in cult research and study of the literature and methods of non-Christian religious systems in order to meet the needs of those who seek information and help in combating error.
We emphasize Bible teaching which is needed to meet the challenges of the hour. Publishes "The Discerner". Often deal with creation as an apologetics and inerrancy issue.

Walter ReMin
The Biotic Message
The book evolutionists don't want you to know about.
web site www.SaintPaulScience.com

The REVOLUTION Against Evolution
PO Box 80664
Lansing, MI 48908-0664
Essays, online books available to download
web site https://www.rae.org/

Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship
Meetings in the Denver area, bookstore, lending library, some articles on site. POB 3451 Littleton, CO 80161
Phone (303) 525-5500
Email info{at}youngearth.org
web site www.youngearth.org/

Science in the Bible
Dr Edward Henry Dowdye, Jr., Ph.D.
This is a more popular level website, inclucing science for kids, exposing the inscientific nature of modern academia.
He states, "As a scientist, I believe it is sometimes necessary for us to act in defense of our faith, in light of all the sheer non-sense that is being perpetrated now."
(See also his academic site, www.extinctionshift.com)
e-mail: EHDowdye{at}verizon.net
web site https://www.scienceinthebible.net

Scientific Facts Against Evolution Articles and Links
Dan Reynolds
e-mail rkm{at}uci.net
website https://evolutionfacts.com/

Search For the Truth Ministries
Bruce Malone, Richard & Tina Kleiss
Bruce writes, "After leaving Dow and launching into full time Christian ministry (almost 3 years ago), we have finally updated our web site to make all of our resources easily accessible and available AT ABSOLUTELY NO COST. Every video lecture, audio teaching, and most books are now available for instant download. In addition, there are links to other major creation resources, my up-to-date speaking schedule, and a much improved order/donation basket." Popular level books available
Suitable for bulletin inserts
malone 3275 Monroe Blvd
Midland MI 48642
phone 989-837-5546
email: truth{at}searchforthetruth.net
web site https://searchforthetruth.net

Has done groundbreaking but controversial work on the decay of the speed of light and the change in associated atomic constants. Using "Zero point Energy" (the energy that persists in space at absolute zero) he is able to solve many of the mysteries of physics.
e-mail barry{at}setterfield.org
web site www.setterfield.org

Society of Creation
This is a voluntary organization for active and retired faculties of Concordia University System (CUS) institution, to provide support, education,affirmation, and encouragement for those who teach the historic position of the LCMS on the doctrine of creation and to affirm the biblical position on creation.
web site https://www.societyofcreation.org

Stand to Reason
Gregory Koukl
Apologetics Organization
"Building Christian Thinkers for the Public Defense of the Faith"
1438 East 33rd Street
Signal Hill CA 90807
phone voicemail 800-2-REASON
local phone 562-595-7333
fax 562-595-7332
e-mail available from their website

web site https://www.str.org/

Top Evidences Against the Theory of Evolution
web site https://www.discovery.org/a/24041

Torbay Christian Creation Topics
9 Courtland Road
Torquay, Devon TQ2 6JU
United Kingdom
Tel. 0803-614339

Triangle Association for the Science of Creation
Meets at Providence Baptist Church on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30PM
Some resources on web site
P.O. Box 12051
Research Triangle Park
NC 27709-2051
web site https://www.tasc-creationscience.org/

*The True.Origin Archive
A response to the pro evolution site Talk.Origins Archive
Many good papers searchable by word, author and topic.

TheStartingPointProject (Formerly Creation Science Society of Milwaukee)
Publishes booklets, produces DVD, gives lectures
Jay Seegert
1010 S. Comanche Lane
Waukesha, WI 53188
phone 262-227-5636
web site www.TheStartingPointProject.com e-mail info{at}info{at}TheStartingPointProject.com

Tas WALKER's Biblical Geology
web site https://www.biblicalgeology.net.

Who Is Your Creator?
A site dedicated to reaching the man in the street
Puts up billboards, quotes secular scientists who doubt evolution.
web site www.whoisyourcreator.com>

(The Late) Clifford WILSON's Website
Material by archeologist, speaker and author Clifford Wilson
With his erudite wife, Barbara, hosted a radio program, "The Stones Still Speak"
Heard throughout English speaking Asia
e-mail c.bwilson{at}bigpond.com
web site https://www.astorehouseofknowledge.info/w/Clifford_Wilson

Scientist John WOODMORAPPE
Prolific researcher, having overcome many difficulties.
Site with his life story and links to his writings
web site https://www.rae.org/johnw.htm

The YOUNG Earth Creation Club
Has audio downloads of Robert Gentry, Russel Humphries and others
Links to good articles, videos for sale and fun animations.
P.O. Box 30123
Gahanna, Ohio 43230-0123
phone 614-470-2320
e-mail Contact{at}Creationists.org
web site https://www.creationists.org/

Young Earth Creation Organization
Brock Lee is an author, lecturer, researcher and has a travelling museum.
Located in Owatonna Minnesota
For Contact information, visit the web site www.youngearthcreation.org

If you have a web page that you would like featured here or have comments on these sites, please feel free to send it to us.

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